

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, tenants are now actively looking for properties where they can work from home more easily. Home working during the pandemic appears to be a success for those whose jobs can be done remotely and who have enough space at home. Surveys have shown that many of us are happier, healthier, less stressed, sleeping better and not missing the commute, this has led to being more productive too.

As we know when renovating properties for investment, we rely on utilising every sq ft of space to add value, adding as many rooms as possible up/down, back/front and squeezing in those en-suites where possible all adding value.

However, we have to get creative. Many of the properties in our ‘bread and butter patch’ in Brighton are already tight on space but it’s integral in our designs that we have space within each bedroom for tenants to have an area where they can work/study. Each room is carefully planned for desk space, that also includes the correct amount of sockets, USB charging points and using the correct broadband provider. We use high quality designed furniture from @landlordfurnitureco who offer a bespoke service, so even for the tightest of spaces we can provide a workspace.

Offering a property with an extra home office space will definitely appeal to more renters and hopefully counteract any void periods!

The pictures here show a selection of our recent bedroom designs/work areas.